How To Connect a Male Female Connector


If you’re in need of a new cable for your home or business, then it’s likely that you’ll need to connect two different types of wires together. For example, maybe you’re trying to connect your phone line with an ethernet cable so that you can use the internet on both phones and computers. Or maybe you’re connecting a male female connector to extend the reach of your power strip so that everything is still within reach once it reaches its maximum length. Whatever the reason may be, here’s what you’ll need to do:

Strip the female end.

The first step is to strip away all of the wires, sheaths and insulation. To begin, use a wire stripper to remove all three layers. Start by cutting away the outer sheath with a pair of scissors; you should see white or beige plastic when you’re done. Next, cut through the inner sheath that covers each individual wire; this will reveal two smaller pieces of plastic on either side of your stripped wire(s). Finally, keep cutting through these smaller pieces until there’s only one layer left: bare copper!

Examine the female end and determine the length of the cable sheath that you have to strip away.

If your connector is a female, you will have to strip the outer plastic covering sheath off of the cable. The sheath is usually white or grey and made of plastic or rubber.

  • Examine the female end and determine the length of the cable sheath that you have to strip away.
  • Cut off any extra length from your wiring with wire cutters if needed.

Strip the end of the wires.

  • Strip the end of each wire. Use your wire stripper to take off about two inches of insulation, exposing the copper core. You’ll need this part in order to solder the connections together.
  • Strip only as much as you think you’ll need, because if you overstrip and end up with too little wire left for soldering, it can be difficult or impossible to repair that mistake later.

Slide the connector over and onto the stripped wires.

Now it’s time to slide the connector over the wires, making sure that they’re pushed into the connector until they make contact with the pins. This will ensure that they are flush with the body of the connector, and that it is properly seated against them. Once everything’s in place, give your wires a little tug to make sure nothing has come loose, then enjoy your newly connected male female connector!

Twist a wire nut around each wire.

The next step is to twist the wires together. You should do this with a pair of needle-nose pliers, or you can use your hands if you’re careful.

After twisting the two wires together, put a wire nut over them and tighten it down by hand so that they are held firmly in place.

Securely twist on a screw cap to cover each wire nut individually.

Use a screw cap to cover each wire nut individually.

To secure the wires, you’ll need to twist on a screw cap to cover each wire nut individually, so that they’re not exposed and can’t come undone. Make sure that all of your connections are secure before moving on!

Now you’re ready to connect your RJ-11 male-female cable connector!

To connect your RJ-11 male-female cable connector, you’ll need to:

  • Connect the wires to the RJ-11 connector.
  • Connect the RJ-11 connector to the phone jack.
  • Connect the RJ-11 connector to your phone or answering machine.


Now you’re ready to connect your RJ-11 male-female cable connector!


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